I help professional women eliminate hot flashes and regain control of their bodies so they feel sexy, empowered, and alive stepping into the next phase of womanhood.

Kristen Todoroff

I help professional women eliminate hot flashes and regain control of their bodies so they feel sexy, empowered, and alive stepping into the next phase of womanhood.

Kristen Todoroff

Areas of Expertise

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach from Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

  • Specialty trained in Gut Health and Hormone Health

Kristen helps women eliminate the debilitating symptoms of menopause. After starting to experience symptoms in her late 30’s, Kristen felt like her body was out of her control – she didn’t know how to manage the hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain. When she made some shifts in her diet and lifestyle Kristen was able to overcome her menopausal symptoms and feel empowered and alive again – and she wants to help other women do the same. Kristen lives on beautiful Bangs Lake in Wauconda, Illinois.

My Story


Growing up, my periods were always quite regular. Other than a little cramping and moodiness, I never had any major disruptive symptoms associated with my cycle. So at 38 when my periods started becoming irregular and I suffered from major anxiety and depression each month, I didn’t know what was going on, or anyone who was going through something similar. When I talked to my doctor, she said that I likely was entering perimenopause and suggested taking antidepressants – but this wasn’t the solution I was looking for. I didn’t even know “peri” was a thing, or that it could last for 10 years! I thought I had to accept that “I’m getting older and this is just what happens to women.” I felt defeated.

A few years later I started experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia – unpredictable symptoms that started to affect me at work. I dreaded getting a hot flash during a presentation or meeting, not to mention being sluggish after a poor night's sleep. I felt discouraged – my body seemed like my enemy. I tried an herbal supplement but had some unpleasant side effects. I also started working out more and getting back into yoga but that didn’t help either. It felt like I was just throwing darts at a dartboard.

The turning point for me was realizing I MUST get a handle on these symptoms that were
profoundly impacting every single aspect of my life - my job, my relationships, and my health. I wasn’t in the mood for intimacy because I felt ugly and unattractive. I either felt like crying at work or paranoid about having embarrassing body odor after a hot flash. These symptoms just were NOT going to go away 'on their own' but I also knew that I could not keep going like this. In the words of Garth Brooks, I was " much too young to feel this damn old ". So I was on a mission.

I started researching and discovered that it wasn’t just about managing various menopausal symptoms – and it WAS in my control. I learned that there are SO many factors that impact hormonal health – from chemicals in your home and on your food to what type of workouts you do. After years of researching and implementing many small diet and lifestyle changes, I was FINALLY free of “the change” controlling my life. I no longer feel like ripping off my clothes during a hot flash! No more sweaty palms, monthly depression, or wondering if my clothes will fit this week. I finally feel like myself again, and embrace my body with open arms. I found my inner badass babe!

Now I am on a new mission. There are millions of women suffering needlessly out there and who are being told that "this is just what happens to women." It does NOT need to be this way. It is hard enough to climb the corporate ladder as a woman in this world. You don't need these symptoms weighing and wearing you down. So my mission is now to help women eliminate hot flashes and regain control of their bodies so they feel sexy, empowered, and alive stepping into the next phase of womanhood!

Don’t wait years to reclaim control of your body like I did! If you are suffering from perimenopause and are trapped in a cycle of trial and error and want to bring YOUR sexy back, click the button below for your FREE starter kit and connect with me!

Badass or Hot Mess Starter Kit Includes


Wondering if you’re experiencing signs of perimenopause or menopause? Take this simple quiz to find out.


8 easy tips to incorporate into your daily life to see a significant change in your health!


A convenient tool to ease into your new life-changing habits for a week (or more).

Wanda S.

My main goals when I started Kristen's program were weight loss, letting go of toxic stuff, and help with anxiety and depression. I did experience weight loss, which is GREAT! But more importantly, I've learned to be happy and content with WHO I AM... in the present. Letting go of what I don't have and being grateful for ALL that I do have. Kristen addressed my needs and introduced a step-by-step approach that guided me to make improvements in all aspects of my life. She is compassionate, professional, and trustworthy. She is knowledgeable and an intense listener, and always followed up with useful information to answer any questions that I had. Kristen is supportive and non judgemental, and always provided a very safe place for me to open up. I have a new commitment to self care, as well as a sense of peace and satisfaction with who and where I am in my life's journey. I would recommend Kristen to anyone dealing with stress, aging, anxiety, uncertainty about how they look or feel and how to deal with this.

Gina G.

I reached out to Kristen to help me get my stomach issues under control and eat a cleaner diet. She really listened to me, guiding me towards solutions and being open to travel every possible path. Through working with her, I've been able to identify trigger foods that are not gut friendly, and I have really cleaned up my eating habits. Being confident that I can go out without worrying that my stomach is going to act up is huge! Kristen is kind, attentive, truly caring, and knowledgeable. I'd recommend her to anyone looking to develop a better connection with themselves: body, mind, and soul. Thank you for being part of my journey towards better health and life happiness!

Teresa B.

Through all of the personal and professional changes and challenges that I went through during my program with Kristen I came to realize that where you are mentally and spiritually TRULY determines where you prioritize all of the facets in your circle of life. When your mind is right the rest of it falls into place. The biggest thing that I became acutely aware of is that everything starts from your mind and the health and well-being of your thoughts. Sometimes it's necessary to make big and scary changes to get your mind free from anxiety and paralyzing negative self talk. Once you break out of that, the rest comes easier. Kristen is a great listener which is necessary during this type of program – she is warm, open, and receptive. There is no topic off limits. I would recommend Kristen to anyone who is looking to improve their overall health without prescriptions and take control over their bodies through lifestyle changes.

Wondering how to bring your badass babe back?

If you’re tired of menopausal symptoms controlling your life and want to feel sexy, empowered, and alive again contact me for a complimentary consultation!